Kolam No.236


  1. Hi! I'm really interested with Indian culture most particularly with your visual arts. I was wondering if you could help me think of a design like this? Something that would invite good karma.

  2. Hi Malaiangdiwa,

    Thank you for visiting my site. There are number of kolams we can create with our imagination. Also some specific kolams are there like "Aishwarya Kolam" "Hiradaya kamalam" etc to bring good karma. I have already posted the above kolams on my site. Please check.

  3. your site is amazing and you are doing a great job..please do keep it up.
    Please do post border rangolis. Is this rangoli free hand, if not can you please explain step by step. thanks again for the good work, may God bless.


  4. Hi Banashankari,

    Yes. It is a free hand rangoli.

    I will shortly post the border kolams.

  5. Lovely display of cute designs


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